0:100 0:100 MemLog inited, TSC freq: 2400345200
0:100 0:000 MemLog was calibrated without ACPI PM Timer: ACPI I/O space is not enabled.
0:100 0:000
0:100 0:000 Now is 31.5.2016, 3:32:25 (GMT)
0:100 0:000 Starting Clover rev 3543 on American Megatrends EFI
0:100 0:000 Build with: [Args: ./ebuild.sh | Command: build -D USE_LOW_EBDA -p Clover/Clover.dsc -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE5 -n 5 | OS: 10.11.5 | XCODE: 7.3.1]
0:100 0:000 SelfDevicePath=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,26D04940-C83A-4028-BC54-C6E2F36B295E,0x28,0x64000) @76DA5798
0:100 0:000 SelfDirPath = \EFI\CLOVER
0:100 0:000 Total Memory Slots Count = 2
0:100 0:000 Type 17 Index = 0
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1867MHz
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 0 System Board Memory
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = Elpida
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 12161217
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = EDFA232A2MA-JD-F-R
0:100 0:000 Type 17 Index = 1
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1867MHz
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 1 System Board Memory
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = Elpida
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 12121212
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = EDFA232A2MA-JD-F-R
0:100 0:000 Boot status=0
0:100 0:000 Clover revision: 3543 running on XPS 13 9350
0:100 0:000 ... with board 07TYC2
0:100 0:000 CPU Vendor = 756E6547 Model=406E3
0:100 0:000 got cores from CPUID_1 = 0
0:100 0:000 The CPU supported turbo
0:100 0:000 BrandString = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz
0:100 0:000 TSC/CCC Information Leaf:
0:100 0:000 numerator : 200
0:100 0:000 denominator : 2
0:100 0:000 Calibrated ARTFrequency: 24003452
0:100 0:000 MSR 0xE2 before patch 1E008006
0:100 0:000 MSR 0xE2 is locked, PM patches will be turned on
0:100 0:000 MSR 0xE4 00051814
0:100 0:000 MSR 0xCE 0004043D_F1011800
0:100 0:000 non-usable FLEX_RATIO = 10000
0:100 0:000 corrected FLEX_RATIO = 0
0:100 0:000 MSR 0x1B0 00000000
0:100 0:000 FSBFrequency=95MHz DMIvalue=100000kHz
0:100 0:000 Corrected FSBFrequency=100MHz
0:100 0:000 Vendor/Model/Stepping: 0x756E6547/0x4E/0x3
0:100 0:000 Family/ExtFamily: 0x6/0x0
0:100 0:000 MaxDiv/MinDiv: 24.0/4
0:100 0:000 Turbo: 27/27/27/28
0:100 0:000 Features: 0xBFEBFBFF
0:100 0:000 Threads: 4
0:100 0:000 Cores: 2
0:100 0:000 FSB: 100 MHz
0:100 0:000 CPU: 2300 MHz
0:100 0:000 TSC: 2300 MHz
0:100 0:000 PIS: 400 MHz
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:00.00) : 8086 1904 class=060000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:02.00) : 8086 1916 class=030000
0:100 0:000 Found GFX model=Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 (Skylake GT2)
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:04.00) : 8086 1903 class=118000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.00) : 8086 9D2F class=0C0330
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.02) : 8086 9D31 class=118000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:15.00) : 8086 9D60 class=118000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:15.01) : 8086 9D61 class=118000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.00) : 8086 9D3A class=078000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:17.00) : 8086 9D03 class=010601
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.00) : 8086 9D10 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|01:00.00) : 8086 1576 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|02:00.00) : 8086 1576 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|03:00.00) : FFFF FFFF class=FFFFFF
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|02:01.00) : 8086 1576 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|02:02.00) : 8086 1576 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|05:00.00) : 8086 15B5 class=0C0330
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.04) : 8086 9D14 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|3A:00.00) : 14E4 43A3 class=028000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.00) : 8086 9D48 class=060100
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.02) : 8086 9D21 class=058000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.03) : 8086 9D70 class=040380
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.04) : 8086 9D23 class=0C0500
0:100 0:000 Clover load options size = 278 bytes
0:100 0:000 Found Plist String = , parse XML in LoadOptions
0:100 0:000 Xml in load options is bad
0:104 0:003 Using OEM config.plist at path: EFI\CLOVER\config.plist
0:104 0:000 EFI\CLOVER\config.plist loaded: Success
0:105 0:000 Found theme directory: embedded
0:105 0:000 Found theme directory: random
0:105 0:000 Loading early settings
0:105 0:000 timeout set to 20
0:105 0:000 Custom boot CUSTOM_BOOT_DISABLED (0x0)
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch: 11 requested
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 0: AppleAPIC (Skylake APIC fix, discovered by Pike R. Alpha) Kext bin patch, data len: 6
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 1: AppleHDA (Expect 2 matches) Kext bin patch, data len: 4
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 2: AirPortBrcm4360 (Enable 5G for Brcm4360
) Kext bin patch, data len: 7
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 3: AppleUSBXHCIPCI (change 15 port limit to 30 in AppleUSBXHCIPCI) Kext bin patch, data len: 7
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 4: AppleHDA (Expect 2 matches) Kext bin patch, data len: 4
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 5: AppleHDA (Expect 2 matches) Kext bin patch, data len: 4
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 6: AppleHDA (Expect 2 matches) Kext bin patch, data len: 4
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 7: IOBluetoothFamily (10.11.dp1+ BT4LE-Handoff-Hotspot, credit RehabMan based on Dokterdok original) :: patch disabled, skipped
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 8: IOGraphicsFamily (Boot graphics glitch, 10.10.x/10.11.x (credit lisai9093, cecekpawon)) Kext bin patch, data len: 5
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 9: #AppleUSBXHCI (Enable USB3 post wake) Kext bin patch, data len: 7
0:105 0:000 KextsToPatch 10: AppleHDA (Expect 2 matches) Kext bin patch, data len: 4
0:105 0:000 Default theme: embedded
0:105 0:000 Hiding entries with string Windows
0:105 0:000 Hiding entries with string \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
0:105 0:000 LoadDrivers() start
0:107 0:001 Loading OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi status=Success
0:112 0:004 Loading DataHubDxe-64.efi status=Success
0:128 0:016 Loading FSInject-64.efi status=Success
0:135 0:006 Loading HFSPlus-64.efi status=Success
0:149 0:014 - driver needs connecting
0:149 0:000 1 drivers needs connecting ...
0:149 0:000 PlatformDriverOverrideProtocol not found. Installing ... Success
0:149 0:000 HFS+ driver loaded
0:149 0:000 Searching for invalid DiskIo BY_DRIVER connects: not found, all ok
0:483 0:333 LoadDrivers() end
0:483 0:000 Dump SMC keys from NVRAM:
0:492 0:009 SetScreenResolution: 1920x1080 - already set
0:492 0:000 Console modes reported: 4, available modes:
0:492 0:000 Mode 1: 80x25
0:492 0:000 Mode 2: 80x50
0:492 0:000 Mode 3: 100x31
0:492 0:000 Mode 4: 240x56 (current mode)
0:492 0:000 reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,26D04940-C83A-4028-BC54-C6E2F36B295E,0x28,0x64000)
0:493 0:000 ScanSPD() start
0:493 0:000 SMBus device : 8086 9D23 class=0C0500 status=Success
0:493 0:000 SMBus CmdReg: 0x3
0:493 0:000 Scanning SMBus [8086:9D23], mmio: 0xDC532004, ioport: 0xF040, hostc: 0x11
0:493 0:000 Slots to scan [8]...
0:494 0:001 ScanSPD() end
0:498 0:003 Get Acpi Tables List from RSDT:
0:498 0:000 Found table: FACP CBX3 len=132
0:498 0:000 Found table: APIC CBX3 len=132
0:498 0:000 Found table: FPDT CBX3 len=68
0:498 0:000 Found table: FIDT CBX3 len=156
0:498 0:000 Found table: MCFG CBX3 len=60
0:498 0:000 Found table: HPET CBX3 len=56
0:498 0:000 Found table: SSDT SataTabl len=789
0:498 0:000 Found table: LPIT SKL-ULT len=148
0:498 0:000 Found table: SSDT sensrhub len=584
0:498 0:000 Found table: SSDT PtidDevc len=11182
0:498 0:000 Found table: SSDT Ther_Rvp len=3043
0:498 0:000 Found table: DBGP len=52
0:498 0:000 Found table: DBG2 len=84
0:498 0:000 Found table: SSDT xh_rvp07 len=1847
0:498 0:000 Found table: BOOT CBX3 len=40
0:498 0:000 Found table: SSDT SaSsdt len=13742
0:498 0:000 Found table: UEFI len=66
0:498 0:000 Found table: SSDT CpuSsdt len=3699
0:498 0:000 Found table: MSDM CBX3 len=85
0:498 0:000 Found table: SSDT DptfTabl len=15075
0:498 0:000 Found table: SLIC CBX3 len=374
0:498 0:000 Found table: TCPA NAPAASF len=50
0:498 0:000 Found table: BGRT len=56
0:498 0:000 Found table: DMAR SKL len=240
0:498 0:000 Found table: ASF! HCG len=165
0:498 0:000 Calibrated TSC frequency =2400345200 =2400MHz
0:498 0:000 Loading main settings
0:498 0:000 USB FixOwnership: true
0:498 0:000 PatchesDSDT: 1 requested
0:498 0:000 DSDT bin patch #0 lenToFind=4 lenToReplace=4
0:498 0:000 Config set EnableC7: +
0:498 0:000 Config set EnableC6: +
0:498 0:000 Config set EnableC4: +
0:498 0:000 Config set EnableC2: +
0:498 0:000 Config set PluginType=1
0:498 0:000 Config set ChassisType=0x8
0:498 0:000 Config set QPI=100MHz
0:503 0:005 found 6 volumes with blockIO
0:503 0:000 0. Volume:
0:503 0:000 PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)
0:504 0:000 1. Volume:
0:504 0:000 PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,26D04940-C83A-4028-BC54-C6E2F36B295E,0x28,0x64000)
0:505 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
0:506 0:001 This is SelfVolume !!
0:506 0:000 2. Volume:
0:506 0:000 PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,E7287FDF-E6B0-43FF-AF3F-41152792BDEB,0x64028,0x6400009)
0:507 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
0:507 0:000 3. Volume:
0:507 0:000 PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,2D6BD28C-5BCF-40E4-BF72-0C9299BA653A,0x6464031,0x6400009)
0:507 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
0:507 0:000 4. Volume:
0:507 0:000 PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,03234BA6-E05A-47DB-9891-58DC95ADF1B2,0xC86403A,0x1082B9EE)
0:508 0:000 5. Volume:
0:508 0:000 PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(5,GPT,5A1CB2D6-F61D-44F2-AC95-A166B0A8346A,0x1D08FA28,0x135F20)
0:509 0:000 using embedded theme
0:509 0:000 Choosing theme <null string>
0:509 0:000 Custom entries start
0:509 0:000 Custom entries finish
0:509 0:000 Scanning loaders...
0:509 0:000 0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
0:509 0:000 1: 'EFI'
0:517 0:008 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
0:517 0:000 2: 'Legacy HD2' no file system
0:517 0:000 3: 'Legacy HD3' no file system
0:517 0:000 4: 'MacOS'
0:519 0:001 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MacOS
0:523 0:003 Check if volume Is Hibernated:
0:523 0:000 Check sleep image 'by signature':
0:527 0:004 read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
0:527 0:000 SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'MacOS', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
0:530 0:002 Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
0:530 0:000 OurBlockIoRead: Lba=10BA437A, Offset=217486F400 (BlockSize=512)
0:530 0:000 sig lion: F1E0BE9D
0:530 0:000 sig snow: 0
0:530 0:000 no valid sleep image offset was found
0:530 0:000 Reading completed -> Success
0:530 0:000 sleepimage offset could not be acquired
0:530 0:000 hibernated: no - sign
0:532 0:001 5: 'Recovery HD'
0:533 0:000 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
0:535 0:001 Custom legacy start
0:535 0:000 Custom legacy end
0:535 0:000 Custom tool start
0:535 0:000 Custom tool end
0:535 0:000 found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
0:535 0:000 Checking EFI partition Volume 1 for Clover
0:536 0:000 Found Clover
0:537 0:000 GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram:got efi-boot-device-data size=74
0:537 0:000
0:537 0:000 efi-boot-device-data: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,03234BA6-E05A-47DB-9891-58DC95ADF1B2,0xC86403A,0x1082B9EE)
0:537 0:000 Volume: 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,03234BA6-E05A-47DB-9891-58DC95ADF1B2,0xC86403A,0x1082B9EE)'
0:537 0:000 LoaderPath: '<null string>'
0:537 0:000 Guid = 03234BA6-E05A-47DB-9891-58DC95ADF1B2
0:537 0:000 volume: partition = PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,03234BA6-E05A-47DB-9891-58DC95ADF1B2,0xC86403A,0x1082B9EE)
0:537 0:000 searching for that partition
0:537 0:000 found entry 1. 'Boot Mac OS X from MacOS', Volume 'MacOS'
0:537 0:000 Boot redirected to Entry 1. 'Boot Mac OS X from MacOS'
0:537 0:000 DefaultIndex=1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=9
1:604 1:066 GUI ready