0:100 0:100 MemLog inited, TSC freq: 3500019328
0:100 0:000 CPU was calibrated with ACPI PM Timer
0:100 0:000
0:100 0:000 Now is 19.6.2018, 3:12:33 (GMT)
0:100 0:000 Starting Clover revision: 4458 on American Megatrends EFI
0:100 0:000 Build with: [Args: -mc --no-usb -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t XCODE8 | -D DISABLE_USB_SUPPORT -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED --conf=/Users/macman/src/edk2/Conf -D USE_BIOS_BLOCKIO -D USE_LOW_EBDA -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE8 -n 9 | OS: 10.13.4 | XCODE: 9.3.1]
0:100 0:000 SelfDevicePath=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,801E0F34-8166-49A9-A3D1-F1BF72B61F77,0x28,0x64000) @D1846318
0:100 0:000 SelfDirPath = \EFI\BOOT
0:100 0:000 === [ Get Smbios ] ========================================
0:100 0:000 Type 16 Index = 0
0:100 0:000 Total Memory Slots Count = 4
0:100 0:000 Type 17 Index = 0
0:100 0:000 Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0MHz
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0MB
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 0 ChannelA-DIMM0
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = <null string>
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = <null string>
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = <null string>
0:100 0:000 Type 17 Index = 1
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 1 ChannelA-DIMM1
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = Kingston
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = D12CFA0C
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = KHX1600C9D3/4GX
0:100 0:000 Type 17 Index = 2
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 2 ChannelB-DIMM0
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0898
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 13090000
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = IMT451U6MFR8C-P90
0:100 0:000 Type 17 Index = 3
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 4096MB
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 3 ChannelB-DIMM1
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = 0898
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = 13090000
0:100 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = IMT451U6MFR8C-P90
0:100 0:000 Boot status=0
0:100 0:000 Running on: 'MS-7751' with board 'Z77A-GD65 GAMING (MS-7751)'
0:100 0:000 === [ GetCPUProperties ] ==================================
0:100 0:000 CPU Vendor = 756E6547 Model=306A9
0:100 0:000 The CPU supported SSE4.1
0:100 0:000 BrandString = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
0:100 0:000 The CPU supported turbo
0:100 0:000 MSR 0x35 40008
0:100 0:000 MSR 0xE2 before patch 1E008401
0:100 0:000 MSR 0xE2 is locked, PM patches will be turned on
0:100 0:000 MSR 0xCE 00081010_F0012300
0:100 0:000 corrected FLEX_RATIO = E0000
0:100 0:000 MSR 0x1B0 00000000
0:100 0:000 FSBFrequency = 100 MHz, DMI FSBFrequency = 100 MHz, Corrected FSBFrequency = 100 MHz
0:100 0:000 MaxDiv/MinDiv: 35.0/16
0:100 0:000 Turbo: 37/38/39/39
0:100 0:000 Features: 0xBFEBFBFF
0:100 0:000 Threads: 8
0:100 0:000 Cores: 4
0:100 0:000 FSB: 100 MHz
0:100 0:000 CPU: 3500 MHz
0:100 0:000 TSC: 3500 MHz
0:100 0:000 PIS: 100 MHz
0:100 0:000 ExternalClock: 25 MHz
0:100 0:000 === [ GetDevices ] ========================================
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:00.00) : 8086 0150 class=060000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:01.00) : 8086 0151 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|01:00.00) : 10DE 1B82 class=030000
0:100 0:000 - GFX: Model=Unknown family 134 (Nvidia)
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|01:00.01) : 10DE 10F0 class=040300
0:100 0:000 - HDMI Audio:
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.00) : 8086 1E31 class=0C0330
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.00) : 8086 1E3A class=078000
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.01) : FFFF FFFF class=FFFFFF
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1A.00) : 8086 1E2D class=0C0320
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1B.00) : 8086 1E20 class=040300
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.00) : 8086 1E10 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.01) : 8086 1E12 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|03:00.00) : 1969 E091 class=020000
0:100 0:000 - LAN: 0 Vendor=Atheros
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.04) : 8086 1E18 class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|04:00.00) : 168C 0030 class=028000
0:100 0:000 - WIFI: Vendor=Atheros
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.05) : 8086 1E1A class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|05:00.00) : 1C00 3250 class=070005
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.06) : 8086 1E1C class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|06:00.00) : 1B21 0612 class=010601
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.07) : 8086 1E1E class=060400
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|07:00.00) : 1106 3403 class=0C0010
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1D.00) : 8086 1E26 class=0C0320
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.00) : 8086 1E44 class=060100
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.02) : 8086 1E02 class=010601
0:100 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.03) : 8086 1E22 class=0C0500
0:100 0:000 === [ GetDefaultSettings ] ================================
0:100 0:000 Clover load options size = 0 bytes
0:105 0:004 EFI\CLOVER\config.plist loaded: Success
0:105 0:000 === [ GetListOfThemes ] ===================================
0:107 0:002 - [00]: EMBEDDED
0:108 0:001 - [00]: RANDOM
0:110 0:001 - [00]: tonymacx86
0:113 0:003 - [01]: BGM
0:120 0:006 - [02]: HighSierra
0:123 0:003 - [03]: BLACKBC
0:125 0:002 === [ Found config plists ] ===============================
0:125 0:000 - config.plist
0:126 0:000 === [ GetEarlyUserSettings ] ==============================
0:126 0:000 timeout set to 3
0:126 0:000 Custom boot CUSTOM_BOOT_DISABLED (0x0)
0:140 0:014 KextsToPatch: 6 requested
0:142 0:001 - [00]: AppleAHCIPort (External icons patch) :: BinPatch :: data len: 8
0:148 0:006 - [01]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (Remove USB port limit in XHCI kext) :: MatchOS: 10.13.x :: BinPatch :: data len: 10
0:156 0:007 - [02]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (Remove USB port limit in XHCI kext) :: MatchOS: 10.13.x :: BinPatch :: data len: 10
0:165 0:009 - [03]: AppleHDA (10.12-AppleHDA/Realtek ALC...) :: BinPatch :: data len: 4
0:171 0:006 - [04]: AppleHDA (10.9-10.12-AppleHDA/Realtek ALC898) :: BinPatch :: data len: 4
0:177 0:006 - [05]: AppleHDA (AppleHDA/Resources/xml>zml) :: BinPatch :: data len: 6
0:183 0:006 Default theme: BGM
0:185 0:001 Hiding entries with string Windows
0:187 0:001 Hiding entries with string BOOTX64.EFI
0:190 0:003 Hiding entries with string Preboot
0:191 0:001 Hiding entries with string VM
0:193 0:001 === [ LoadDrivers ] =======================================
0:260 0:066 Loading AppleImageCodec-64.efi status=Success
0:266 0:006 Loading AppleKeyAggregator-64.efi status=Success
0:272 0:006 Loading AppleUITheme-64.efi status=Success
0:278 0:006 Loading DataHubDxe-64.efi status=Success
0:319 0:040 Loading FirmwareVolume-64.efi status=Success
0:326 0:006 Loading FSInject-64.efi status=Success
0:333 0:007 Loading OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi status=Success
0:340 0:006 Loading SMCHelper-64.efi status=Success
0:346 0:006 Loading VBoxHfs-64.efi status=Success
0:352 0:006 - driver needs connecting
0:354 0:001 Loading APFS.EFI status=Success
0:369 0:015 - driver needs connecting
0:371 0:001 Loading CsmVideoDxe-64.efi status=Success
0:378 0:007 - driver needs connecting
0:380 0:001 3 drivers needs connecting ...
0:381 0:001 PlatformDriverOverrideProtocol->GetDriver overriden
0:384 0:003 APFS driver loaded
0:386 0:001 Video driver loaded: disconnect Success
0:470 0:083 Searching for invalid DiskIo BY_DRIVER connects: not found, all ok
0:489 0:019 CsmVideoDriverBindingStart
0:491 0:001 mixed support=40010
0:492 0:001 Controller is [030000]
0:494 0:001 Check for VBE
0:567 0:072 0 640x480 attr=BF - ok, 640x480, working, highest, pref=0
0:578 0:011 1 800x600 attr=BF - ok, 800x600, working, highest, pref=1
0:591 0:012 2 1024x768 attr=BF - ok, 1024x768, working, highest, pref=2
0:602 0:011 3 1280x1024 attr=BF - ok
0:608 0:005 4 1920x1080 attr=BF - ok
0:611 0:003 5 1360x768 attr=BF - ok
0:615 0:003 CsmVideo: New mode: 2 1024x768 - set
0:735 0:120 - SetMode pref 2 (2) = Success
0:736 0:001 CsmVideoCheckForVbe - Success
0:738 0:001 CsmVideoDriverBindingStart end Success
0:740 0:001 CsmVideo: New mode: 0 640x480 - blocking that switch
0:745 0:004 CsmVideo: New mode: 1 800x600 - blocking that switch
1:207 0:462 === [ InitScreen ] ========================================
1:273 0:065 SetScreenResolution: 1920x1080 - setting Mode 4
1:276 0:003 CsmVideo: New mode: 4 1920x1080 - set
1:435 0:159 Video mode change to mode #4: Success
1:436 0:001 Console modes reported: 4, available modes:
1:438 0:001 - [01]: 80x25
1:440 0:001 - [02]: 80x50
1:441 0:001 - [03]: 100x31
1:443 0:001 - [04]: 128x40 (current mode)
1:444 0:001 reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,801E0F34-8166-49A9-A3D1-F1BF72B61F77,0x28,0x64000)
1:448 0:003 Using embedded font: Success
1:450 0:002 === [ GetMacAddress ] =====================================
1:511 0:060 MAC address of LAN #0= D4:3D:7E:B8:C9:76:
1:523 0:012 === [ ScanSPD ] ===========================================
1:593 0:070 SMBus device : 8086 1E22 class=0C0500 status=Success
1:595 0:001 SMBus CmdReg: 0x3
1:596 0:001 Scanning SMBus [8086:1E22], mmio: 0xF7614004, ioport: 0xF000, hostc: 0x1
1:599 0:003 Slots to scan [8]...
1:602 0:002 SPD[1]: Type 11 @0x51
1:622 0:020 XMP Profile1: 10*1/8ns
1:623 0:001 Found module with XMP version 1.3
1:625 0:001 DDR speed 1333MHz
1:626 0:001 Slot: 1 Type 24 4096MB 1333MHz Vendor=Kingston PartNo=KHX1600C9D34GX SerialNo=0D01020C0F0A000C
1:629 0:002 SPD[2]: Type 11 @0x52
1:648 0:019 XMP Profile1: 10*1/8ns
1:650 0:001 Found module with XMP version 1.3
1:651 0:001 DDR speed 1600MHz
1:653 0:001 Slot: 2 Type 24 4096MB 1600MHz Vendor=NoName PartNo=IMT451U6MFR8C-P90 SerialNo=0103000900000000
1:657 0:003 SPD[3]: Type 11 @0x53
1:676 0:019 XMP Profile1: 10*1/8ns
1:678 0:001 Found module with XMP version 1.3
1:679 0:001 DDR speed 1600MHz
1:681 0:001 Slot: 3 Type 24 4096MB 1600MHz Vendor=NoName PartNo=IMT451U6MFR8C-P90 SerialNo=0103000900000000
1:683 0:002 === [ GetAcpiTablesList ] =================================
1:737 0:054 Get Acpi Tables List from RSDT:
1:741 0:003 - [00]: FACP A M I len=132
1:744 0:003 - [01]: APIC A M I len=146
1:745 0:001 - [02]: FPDT A M I len=68
1:747 0:001 - [03]: MCFG A M I len=60
1:748 0:001 - [04]: SSDT AoacTabl len=2075
1:750 0:001 - [05]: HPET A M I len=56
1:751 0:001 - [06]: SSDT SataTabl len=877
1:753 0:001 - [07]: SSDT Cpu0Ist len=2474
1:755 0:001 - [08]: SSDT CpuPm len=2850
1:756 0:001 - [09]: BGRT A M I len=56
1:758 0:001 Calibrated TSC Frequency = 3500019328 = 3500MHz
1:759 0:001 === [ GetUserSettings ] ===================================
1:818 0:059 USB FixOwnership: no
1:820 0:001 Dropping 1 tables:
1:822 0:001 - [00]: Drop table signature="MATS" (5354414D)
1:834 0:012 - set table: 5354414D, 0 to drop: no
1:837 0:003 - final DSDT Fix mask=00000000
1:839 0:001 Using ProductName from config: iMac14,2
1:840 0:001 Using latest BiosVersion from clover
1:842 0:001 BiosVersion: IM142.88Z.0128.B00.1802021101
1:843 0:001 BiosReleaseDate: 02/02/2018
1:845 0:001 Using FirmwareFeatures from clover: 0xE00FE137
1:848 0:003 Using FirmwareFeaturesMask from clover: 0xFF1FFF3F
1:850 0:001 Using PlatformFeature from clover: 0x1
1:878 0:028 === [ ScanVolumes ] =======================================
1:942 0:064 Found 14 volumes with blockIO
1:944 0:001 - [00]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
1:952 0:007 - [01]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
1:955 0:003 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
1:959 0:003 - [02]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)
1:962 0:003 - [03]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,38DB8A85-80BA-499D-A7F6-93D7B0A258F7,0x800,0x95800)
1:966 0:003 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (win)
1:969 0:002 - [04]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,8C56181E-1F8E-4832-9C31-7C43930E64D6,0x96040,0x1BE5C470)
1:973 0:003 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
1:976 0:003 - [05]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x2D9E9FB6,0x40,0x12C867C0)
1:980 0:003 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
1:982 0:002 hiding this volume
1:984 0:001 - [06]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,MBR,0x2D9E9FB6,0x12C86800,0x30D3F800)
1:988 0:003 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
1:990 0:002 hiding this volume
1:993 0:003 - [07]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,MBR,0x2D9E9FB6,0x439C6000,0x30D40000)
1:997 0:003 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
1:999 0:002 hiding this volume
2:000 0:001 - [08]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,801E0F34-8166-49A9-A3D1-F1BF72B61F77,0x28,0x64000)
2:004 0:003 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:006 0:002 This is SelfVolume !!
2:009 0:003 - [09]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD,0x64028,0x1BEC0460)
2:013 0:003 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:014 0:001 - [10]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD,0x64028,0x1BEC0460)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,E0CEBC691D984C4385F29E3CF0DD5EE5)
2:018 0:003 hiding this volume
2:019 0:001 - [11]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD,0x64028,0x1BEC0460)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,A8F1791B7019E539B49BA12D8A489EEF)
2:024 0:004 - [12]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD,0x64028,0x1BEC0460)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,81F9C65793A0B142B36EEEBFFC8D88E0)
2:027 0:003 - [13]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD,0x64028,0x1BEC0460)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,AA920535914A8149B9FA6B4992334544)
2:032 0:004 hiding this volume
2:033 0:001 === [ InitTheme ] =========================================
2:106 0:072 Using theme 'BGM' (EFI\CLOVER\themes\BGM)
2:108 0:001 OS main and drive as badge
2:112 0:003 Loading font from ThemeDir: Success
2:114 0:001 Choosing theme BGM
2:115 0:001 found boot-args in NVRAM:, size=1
2:117 0:001 after NVRAM boot-args=dart=0 nvda_drv=1
2:120 0:003 === [ Dump SMC keys from NVRAM ] ==========================
2:164 0:043 found AppleSMC protocol
2:202 0:038 Registered 16 SMC keys
2:205 0:002 === [ ScanLoader ] ========================================
2:270 0:065 - [03]: 'WIN_EFI'
2:273 0:003 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=WIN_EFI
2:303 0:030 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=WIN_EFI
2:305 0:001 skipped because entry is hidden
2:306 0:001 - [04]: 'Microsoft_Base'
2:325 0:018 - [05]: 'Windows_NTFS_A', hidden
2:328 0:003 - [06]: 'Windows_NTFS_B', hidden
2:331 0:003 - [07]: 'Windows_NTFS_C', hidden
2:334 0:003 - [08]: 'MAC_EFI'
2:351 0:016 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=MAC_EFI
2:352 0:001 skipped because entry is hidden
2:354 0:001 - [10]: 'Preboot', hidden
2:357 0:003 - [11]: 'High Sierra'
2:504 0:147 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=High Sierra
2:536 0:031 Check if volume Is Hibernated:
2:538 0:001 Check sleep image 'by signature':
2:585 0:047 read prefs \Library\Preferences\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
2:587 0:001 using default sleep image name = \private\var\vm\sleepimage
2:617 0:029 sleepimage not found -> Not Found
2:618 0:001 hibernated: no - sign
2:621 0:002 [!] Icon 17 (icons\vol_internal_hfs.icns) not found (path: EFI\CLOVER\themes\BGM)
2:688 0:067 - [12]: 'Recovery'
2:707 0:018 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery
2:761 0:054 - [13]: 'VM', hidden
2:765 0:004 === [ AddCustomTool ] =====================================
2:828 0:062 === [ GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram ] =========================
2:870 0:042 - efi-boot-device-data: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD,0x64028,0x1BEC0460)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,A8F1791B7019E539B49BA12D8A489EEF)
2:872 0:001 - Volume: 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD,0x64028,0x1BEC0460)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,A8F1791B7019E539B49BA12D8A489EEF)'
2:875 0:003 - LoaderPath: '<null string>'
2:877 0:001 - Guid = B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD
2:878 0:001 === [ FindStartupDiskVolume ] =============================
2:926 0:048 - Volume: partition = PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x3,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD,0x64028,0x1BEC0460)\VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,A8F1791B7019E539B49BA12D8A489EEF)
2:929 0:003 - searching for that partition
2:931 0:001 - found entry 1. 'Boot macOS from High Sierra', Volume 'High Sierra'
2:932 0:001 Boot redirected to Entry 1. 'Boot macOS from High Sierra'
2:934 0:001 DefaultIndex=1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=5
3:308 0:373 GUI ready
7:477 4:169 === [ StartLoader ] =======================================
7:545 0:067 Finally: ExternalClock=25MHz BusSpeed=100000kHz CPUFreq=3500MHz PIS: hw.busfrequency=100000000Hz
7:548 0:003 Loading boot.efi status=Success
7:664 0:116 GetOSVersion: 10.13.5 (17F77)
7:669 0:001 Filtering KextPatches:
7:671 0:001 - [00]: AppleAHCIPort (External icons patch) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.13.5 | MatchOS: All | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
7:674 0:003 - [01]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (Remove USB port limit in XHCI kext) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.13.5 | MatchOS: 10.13.x | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
7:678 0:004 - [02]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (Remove USB port limit in XHCI kext) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.13.5 | MatchOS: 10.13.x | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
7:682 0:003 - [03]: AppleHDA (10.12-AppleHDA/Realtek ALC...) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.13.5 | MatchOS: All | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
7:685 0:003 - [04]: AppleHDA (10.9-10.12-AppleHDA/Realtek ALC898) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.13.5 | MatchOS: All | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
7:689 0:004 - [05]: AppleHDA (AppleHDA/Resources/xml>zml) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.13.5 | MatchOS: All | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
7:692 0:003 Will not patch boot.efi
7:694 0:001 === [ PatchSmbios ] =======================================
7:758 0:063 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
7:759 0:001 insert table 9 for dev 0:1
7:761 0:001 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
7:762 0:001 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
7:764 0:001 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
7:766 0:002 Channels: 2
7:769 0:003 Interleave: 0 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 8 10 9 11 12 14 13 15 16 18 17 19 20 22 21 23
7:809 0:040 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 0 => 0 0:
7:811 0:001 BANK 0 DIMM0 EMPTY
7:813 0:001 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 1 => 2 2:
7:814 0:001 BANK 1 DIMM0 1600MHz 4096MB
7:816 0:001 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 2 => 1 1:
7:817 0:001 BANK 0 DIMM1 1333MHz 4096MB
7:819 0:001 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 3 => 3 3:
7:820 0:001 BANK 1 DIMM1 1600MHz 4096MB
7:822 0:001 mTotalSystemMemory = 12288
7:824 0:001 NumberOfMemoryDevices = 4
7:827 0:003 Type20[0]->End = 0x7FFFFF, Type17[2] = 0x2000
7:828 0:001 Type20[1]->End = 0x3FFFFF, Type17[1] = 0x3000
7:830 0:001 Type20[2]->End = 0xBFFFFF, Type17[3] = 0x6000
7:831 0:001 Table 131 is present, CPUType=31
7:833 0:001 Change to: 704
7:834 0:001 === [ PatchACPI ] =========================================
7:901 0:066 Xsdt reallocation done
7:903 0:001 old FADT length=10C
7:904 0:001 SignatureFixup: 0xA -> 0x0
7:909 0:004 Apply DsdtFixMask=0x00000000
7:912 0:003 drop _DSM mask=0xFFFF
7:914 0:001 === [ FixBiosDsdt ] =======================================
7:977 0:063 VideoCard devID=0x1B8210DE
7:979 0:001 DisplayADR1[0] = 0x10000, DisplayADR2[0] = 0x0
7:980 0:001 USBADR[0] = 0x140000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
7:982 0:001 USBADR[1] = 0x1A0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
8:109 0:126 Audio HDA (addr:0x1B0000) setting specified layout-id=2 (0x2)
8:110 0:001 Found Airport Atheros at 0x1C0004, 0x0, DeviceID=0x0030
8:112 0:001 USBADR[2] = 0x1D0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
8:115 0:003 first CPU found at 7331 offset 7334
8:117 0:001 score candidate at 732D
8:118 0:001 score inserted in acpi_cpu_score _PR_
8:120 0:001 Found ACPI CPU: CPU0 | CPU1 | CPU2 | CPU3 | CPU4 | CPU5 | CPU6 | CPU7 , within the score: _PR_
8:134 0:014 PreCleanup XSDT: count=10, length=116
8:136 0:001 PreCleanup XSDT, corrected XSDT: count=10, length=116
8:137 0:001 === [ ACPIDropTables ] ====================================
8:196 0:059 === [ PatchAllSSDT ] ======================================
8:260 0:063 CPUBase=0 and ApicCPUBase=1 ApicCPUNum=8
8:262 0:001 Cleanup XSDT: count=10, length=116
8:263 0:001 corrected XSDT count=10, length=116
8:265 0:001 === [ RestSetup macOS ] ===================================
8:322 0:057 NVidia GFX injection not set
8:324 0:001 setting specified layout-id=2 (0x2)
8:326 0:001 stringlength = 542
8:327 0:001 CurrentMode: Width=1920 Height=1080
8:329 0:001 Beginning FSInjection
8:335 0:006 Use origin smbios table type 1 guid.
8:345 0:010 Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other
8:347 0:001 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\Lilu.kext (v.1.2.3)
8:353 0:006 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext (v.1.2.7)
8:357 0:004 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\RealtekRTL8111.kext (v.2.2.2)
8:366 0:008 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\IntelMausiEthernet.kext (v.2.3.0)
8:372 0:005 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\FakeSMC.kext (v.1787)
8:379 0:007 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\AtherosE2200Ethernet.kext (v.2.2.2)
8:386 0:006 Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.13
8:388 0:002 SetStartupDiskVolume:
8:390 0:001 * Volume: 'High Sierra'
8:391 0:001 * LoaderPath: '<null string>'
8:393 0:001 * DevPath: High Sierra
8:394 0:001 * GUID = B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD
8:396 0:001 * efi-boot-device: <array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>B96B5BC0-E01A-49DD-B087-BE8420FD5CBD</string></dict></dict></dict></array>
8:400 0:003 SetScreenResolution: 1920x1080 - already set
8:403 0:003 Custom boot is disabled
8:406 0:002 Closing log